APK FILES™ Android System PRO 2.0.0 ~ Free Download
Status: Online
Requirements: Android O/S : 4.0+
Overview: Android System is the ultimate Android utility that combines inside over 20 utilities!

We are providing 2 version of the app: Free and Pro.
The free version combines inside some open sources utilities and let you explore what's inside the pro version.
- Adding over 30 translations
- More tweaks to the tweaker
- More system tools
- More things!
System Tools:
- MIUI File Explorer with ability to enable root access
- Anonymous Browser
- LogCat
App preferences:
- Framework installer allow you to install the XPosed framework
- Application custom preferences allow you to customize app preferences using Xposed app settings
System Informations:
- Benchmarks such as CPU, I/O, Network speed and more
- Permissions
- CPU and Kernel spy
- Build prop editor
- Allow you to launch custom recovery action directly from your device
PRO VERSION: Android System PRO v2.0.0
System Customization:
- Custom font installer
- App backup
- Data backup
- Properties backup
System Optimization:
- Zipalign application
- SQL defrag and optimization
- Application cache cleaner
- Combines inside the Android Tweaker PRO tweaks, not yet finished.
GPS Tune:
- Allow you to choose your country and overwrite the default gps config file.
- This powerful tool allow you to physically remove system applications.
The content of the applications will be increased on each update. We are currently working for providing translations to over 30 languages and on adding more utilities and things that will turn this app into the best system utilities suite for Android!
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